Thursday, March 5, 2009

Forex Trading Robots

Well recently there's been so much of buzz in the market about Forex Trading robots and honestly i got sucked in to many myself. :)

Little about myself,

I've been trading forex for about 8 years now and I also run a hedge fund registered in Cayman Islands and we trade with Barclay Capital in New York. We mainly focus on High Frequency trading and we trade only the Spot Currency market. Well that's all for my introduction as i don't wanna bore you to death with credentials :)

Now the purpose for me to set up this blog was to share with like minded people about my experience in trading with Forex robots that are marketed on the NET. What trading robots made me money and which ones just killed my accounts.....

I have to tell you one thing though....I use LIVE accounts to trade and test any trading robots because many Trading robots can work on DEMO accounts since brokers do not MESS around with DEMO accounts and also there are NO requotes ( this happens when the market moves rapidly) on DEMO accounts. Therefore as the saying goes...the real test is in the pudding when you trade with LIVE accounts :)

So here is my offer to my readers, I am gonna test all the trade robots that are hot in the market and i will give my review here as to what works and what doesn't. I will also provide my live account statements to whom ever that wants it but that will be via email as i don not want my statements published all over the NET. :) or used by the Forex Trading robot promoters.

Also i am not gonna become an Affiliate with any of the Trading robot promoters so you can expect my review to be for REAL...i will reveal all THE GOOD, THE BAD and THE UGLY ( sorry clint Eastwood....i hope you do not sue me for using that line....i love that movie...i am a old school gin slinging western freak)

To top that, for robots that work i will also share the different settings that i use to make them profitable. Sometime trading with default settings provided by the promoters aren't always good. TRUST ME!!! i learnt this the hard way.

Now what's in it for me....well i guess if you like my advice, then i would hope that you will just feed my dog on the weekend when i go off for holidays :) .....and oh occasional thank you and a beer would be most welcomed too!!

before i sign out for now. I am currently testing 2 Forex robots. Will keep you guys posted on the results. Too early to say anything yet but seem to be profitable.


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